MovieChat Forums > The Boy in the Plastic Bubble (1976) Discussion > What exactly is happening in this scene?

What exactly is happening in this scene?

The scene near the end of the movie in which Todd and Gina are in a van. This is a touching scene where Todd tells Gina he has always loved her (ever since they were children). Are Todd and Gina supposed to be on a date? Who is driving the van? What is their destination?

Thank you in advance!


Sincerely, Steve B.


I guess it is sort of a date. 15 minutes before the end of the movie, Todd calls Gina on the phone and asks her if she wants to go to the beach tomorrow.
She says yes, and the next scene is of Todd & Gina running along the beach, flying a kite. Todd's parents are also shown to be there, so I'm assuming that it is one of Todd's parents that is driving the van. I would also assume that they are on their way home after the "date", when this touching scene takes place. Hope this helps. : )


Thank you for refreshing my memory.

I guess one of Todd's parents drove the van, and it was a "date."

Thanks again!


Sincerely, Steve B.
