Ghostly Figure?!

in the final scene in which Travolta kisses Gina, there is a ghostly figure walking accross from out of a tree and accross the screen. You see this twice, both times are shots of Travolta's face, watch it and you will see it!!

I hav tried emailing both Travolta and the director in vain, and i was wondering if anyone could tell me, what the hell is it and how did it get there!!!


yup i saw it - a weird white blob/figure walking across the screen, wonder what it was.

I like my men at my feet


Yes, I've seen it to.

I think what it is is a person walking, out of focus of course, illuminated by sunlight.

Very eery none-the-less.


Dumb crew member who didn't know they were shooting?



It should be obvious to all this ghostly figure in the background is the Grim Reaper!!! he's pacing back and forth behind the trees waiting for him to say his last goodbye ...............he should have stayed in the bubble ;)


I really think it is a sailboat too. :)


Look man, take your daily meds and calm down. Also, learn how to spell. And realize that movies are just movies!


wasnt the sun comming up and it was the light on the lake?


Apparently the curse extends to anyone reading these posts as well.


Wow. So, have you died yet, from seeing the ghostly figure?
Did a small japanese girl pop out of your TV set 2 weeks later?
Please respond, Mr. Roberts, or we will have to assume that you have been killed.
Thank you.


the japanese girl got me dude, i watched this movie, im dead...


That is by far the most fightening SAILBOAT I have ever seen. Yep, that is one eerie SAILBOAT.


It's definitely a sailboat. Possibly even just a large toy sailboat. Sloppy film making though, nonetheless.


Is it a sailboat, or some sort of sprinkler/irrigation system?

Whatever it is, it ain't no ghastly human figure.


It was the Three Men and a Baby ghost doing a nixer.


We were watching it in our Biology II class and saw it, too.

Didn't look like a sailboat...


I'd only seen this movie twice and didn't notice it really but I finally own it (yea!) and watched this morning and yes I see it too! What the heck is that thing? I thought maybe it was a boat but it looked like something walking did it not?

"Picture It. Sicily.."


Its a sailboat's sail. You can see them more clearly earlier on in the same scene.


I'm disappointed in myself that I actually dug out my copy and watched for the very scene.

It was a sailboat.


It's the sail of a sailboat. In fact you can see another stationary sail further off to the left.
