Assault weapons?

Where the hell did the assault weapons come from? hahaaha. I'm guessing the scene was mistakingly put in before the scene featuring them holding up the guns and ammo store. Too many drugs in the editing room I guess.



She was wearing one?



When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


At the time this movie was made, Colt's was selling semi-automatic AR-15s to the public, but a full-auto M-16 would have had to have been stolen from an armory or purchased on the black market.

It's indicative of the Hollywood Left that guns are to be both abhorred and worshiped as a money-maker all at the same time. Recently someone posted a great video on youtube showing the hypocrisy of the Hollywood Left in response to the massacre at Newtown, Conn.

I personally refuse to pay to watch a Daniel Craig James Bond flick as he is on the record as being in favor of gun control. Hypocritical bastard.


It was not out of order. They use the m16s at the gun store holdup. Also Bobbie Jo quoted something that Lyle said when they were practicing.


The way that this board is going, I thought for sure that this had to be another thread about Boobie Jo's "boobies".

But nope, it's really about assault weapons!

I sure didn't see that comin'!
