I heard online that there were doing a remake on this flick, this was about a year or 2 ago I haven't heard anything since. Has anyone heard anything about it, I think this movie screams to be remade!


Fangoria have revealed that Jeff Lieberman's cult classic Blue Sunshine is also about to receive the revamp treatment.

Blue Sunshine is a firm favourite amongst us brainers, and was indeed the first review we published on this site back on March 2004. (Click here to reaad the review). It's now been revealed that Peter Webber (The Girl with a Pearl Earring), has secured the remake rights to Lieberman's dangerous drugs movie.

Webber, along with MGM, will start on the project as soon as he's finished his work on Behind the Mask - the film that tells the story of Hannibal Lecter’s teenage years.

I found this @


I'm assuming that's what turned out to be Hannibal Rising.


I normally hate the idea of remakes, but frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing a remake of this because, well, it could have been better.


I really liked the idea for this movie, but it felt a little incomplete somehow. Maybe I just wanted more freaked out, homicidal bald people wreaking havoc in it. I wonder if they would change the recreational drug aspect of it so as not to appear to be moralizing.


I was hoping for more freaked-out, homicidal baldies as well. How could you go wrong with that? I think the main problem here is the distractingly bad acting and direction. I suspect that a modern update would be even more moralistic about the drug use, though, because that's just how films are today.


I like the original. I like the acting and the kids in the movie who acted like real kids rather than small adults. Remake it but the original for all its cheese and Zalman King will be the one for me. I love the 70's setting because I was a teenager in the 1970's.
