MovieChat Forums > The Bad News Bears (1976) Discussion > Did Turner's son deserve to get hit?

Did Turner's son deserve to get hit?

As much as I hate Turner, I sort of understand why he smacked his kid after throwing at Engelberg a second time. It's not made clear whether it was intentional or not but if it was he kind of deserved it. As he said, "He could've killed that kid."


Turner was the one who deserved to get hit! He despised the Bears and his son would inevitably do likewise.


There was NO question Joey Turner deliberately threw at Englebert but his father's response was sudden and shocking and undeserved - especially since Englebert was not hurt.


I think there is a question as to whether the second ball was deliberate or just went wild. You can see Joey is scared after the second time and knows he's about to get it while trying to explain that it slipped. I'm not sure he'd look so scared if the second time was deliberate. I also doubt he'd disobey his father like that, even though he eventually does for revenge.


Wrong! What you fail to realize - and it's true it wasn't shown in the movie so it's easy to misunderstand - is that the field they are playing on was dedicated to a kid who was hit by a ball and DIED. There is a scene of the dedication but no explanation as to why it was now a memorial park.
So of course Turner is going to be flipping out that his son could have killed another kid when they are now playing on a field where another kid had died. It doesn't matter that Englebert was not hurt! The point is that it was a deliberate throw that could have had serious consequences.
Turner was a horrible father but the lesson needed to be learned that you do not throw balls at someone's head in anger. A disciplinary slap on the face was humiliating, but not deadly. I think most parents there would have been horrified to witness the pitch knowing it could have been their kid that could have been killed. I'd much rather live in a world where kids are punished and held accountable for their actions rather than the pansy world we live in now where they don't even take score at little league games to avoid hurting anyone's feelings.

The people you idolize wouldn't like you.


I still feel like the whole world has gone nuts with these leagues that don't keep score.



What in the hell are you talking about? Where in the movie does anyone mention a kid getting killed by a ball? I never saw the 2005 version. Could that be what you're referring to?


That's the problem: the movie doesn't mention it, but the book does. The only hint in the movie is that the scoreboard is dedicated in memory of one of the kids. If the bean ball killing had been brought out in the movie, Roy's actions would be more understandable at least.


That scene is what always comes to mind when I remember this movie. Joey Turner was devastated, hurt and embarrassed. He regained his dignity when he dropped the ball at his Dad's feet and walked off the field. I hated Joey until that moment, after that I realized he was just a product of his Father and I felt compassion for him.
One thing I always thought after that movie was "How would you like to have been Roy when he got home that day?"


Yes, so well put! It is the truth of such moments like that that make this such a great film. It's hard to believe that we could feel for Joey at this moment considering how he had picked on Lupus earlier.

Watching this film brings back a lot of memories of my own childhood. It's interesting because we would probably all agree that Roy Turner was a certain kind of bastard. On the other hand, I also remember how tough and authoritative parents could be then and how far we seem to have moved away from that. Some of the authority embodied by Turner is greatly needed in today's society, I feel. But there are several things that make this one incident different.

First of all, Turner completely humiliates his son in a very public way. Humiliation is one of the most damaging ways to approach discipline (incidentally, I believe it's the most damaging thing in marriages as well). Secondly, Turner fails to recognize that Joey's attempt to bean Engleberg likely came from his own mixed message; he instills fierce competitiveness in Joey, yet forces him to intentionally walk a batter, causing frustration and shame. I'm not saying Turner shouldn't have tried to address what Joey did, but he couldn't have chosen a more damaging way to do it (when his wife comes over and calls him a sonofabitch, we can certainly feel that a major line had been crossed).


Yes, he deserved it.

Esta es mi firma


Yup, he most definitely deserved it. Punk had it coming to him, especially since his father had JUST instructed him to throw the ball low and away. He was clearly aiming for Engelturd's head.

And if you ask me, he should have been immediately smacked again for showing his father up with the ball dropping/walk off the field incident. I'd have smacked him good.


you're damn right he deserved it... watch the pitch know what it WAS not a pitch, it was a headhunter, completely intentional.


Turner just gave the little brat an attitude adjustment and everybody wants to make a federal case out of it.


Yes and I'm glad he did.

I love Bob


His dad deserved a good beating. You take the kid out of the game, have his mother take him home, and you deal with it there.


Joey Turner did not deserve to get hit. The pitch got away from him.

The reason he got hit was because his father had just been out to the mound, instructing Joey on what to do. The father leaves the mound, and the next pitch nearly beans the batter, making it seem (to everyone watching, I would assume) that his father had told him to throw at the batter. His father was angry and also needed to show that he didn't order the beanball.

Short Cut, Draw Blood


I believe he did deserve to get hit, but not in front of like a thousand people and everybody on the field. He should've just taken him out of the game and taken him behind the woodshed later on. As the father said, he could've killed the kid.


His father told him to pitch a "low and outside." Joey wanted to strike him out.
Engleberg gave Joey some childish insult so Joey very DELIBERATELY threw the ball at his head.
Vic Morrow, shocked that Joey couldve actually killed Engleberg and equally annoyed that his son disobeyed him gave Joey a very hard slap to the face.
Joey is an arrogant, cocky little A hole but in fairness he probably gets a lot of that from his father's behaviour rubbing off on him. He was wrong to throw the ball at Engleberg's head and shoulcve certainly been disciplined for it...but not in the way that he was, so really Vic Morrows character was wrong to whack him like this....Joey is still an A hole though.


Those are all fair points. We're in total agreement


There's NO question the pitch was intentional. He and Englebert are jawing back and forth at each other...emotions are running high...and so Joey gets carried away and throws at him.

The point of the scene though is that Joey's moment of VERY bad judgement is a result of the attitude his father has instilled in him.


I don't know that I agree with that. As much as the father may have been a little overboard, he didn't instill an attitude of trying to bean somebody. He wanted his players to do their best to win


But I would be THRILLED to get a whack from Vic Morrow.

Not on the face,mind you. My behind would be an excellent spot!

Put your trust in the Lord. Your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank.



Let me educate you.

Gender is not sex, and sex is not gender. Sex is biological. We cannot change our sex, that is a correct statement. Gender is a social construct, created over time by man. In different cultures, it can mean different things.

You can argue with me till you are blue in the face, however medical and psychological professionals will agree that Transgender individuals are not mentally ill.

Some people are just born with a brain that matches one gender, and a body that fits the other. If it upsets you that much that a person chooses to identify by a different gender you need to get out and see there are REAL struggles in this world.

Also, Riley did not mutilate her penis. She still very much has one. Not all transgendered individuals have bottom surgery.

"Tree's don't all grow straight, they grow however makes them happy"-Bob Ross
