favorite scene

mine is the scene where the 2 kids begin picking on Timmy Lupus and Tanner Boyle comes to the rescue?he promptly gets stuffed into a trash can.once loose,Tanner comes over to Lupus and lectures him about taking care of himself.as best as i remember this is the only time Tanner Boyle shows any empathy in the movie.


That's a good one. I like when Joey drops the ball at his father's feet and walks away and Buttermaker realizes what he's been doing wrong and rights it.


That whole scene is great.


My favorite character is Ogilvy. He has the best lines.


Two really great scenes:

When Buttermaker first pulls up to the field and pounds out some beer and puts Jimmy Beam in the can.

When Buttermaker tells the kids that quitting is a hard habit to break and says that they deserved better than him as a coach.

After that he's all in it for the kids.


When Tanner looks down at a passed out Buttermaker on the pitchers mound and says "He's not any good to us SOBER either!"


Lupus catching the ball, Buttermaker was a great coach.
