cant say the word-

JAP, i watched it yesterday on a local sub station (on cable) and they would mute the word out. if they did that to mchales navy they wouldn't have a show.


That is exactly what I thought when I watched it.
I had to back up there show to see what they said. I don't understand why that word is supposed to be so bad. Is *beep* considered bad for Germans? I mean enough to bleep it?
It's amazing how touchy people are. Cracker does not bother me at all or whatever the "bad" name is for whites.


I guess the word I said is bad for Germans... The site auto-beeped it!

I think I said the second half of sauerkraut.


Today, I watched this movie on a cable channel. I noticed what seemed to be a double standard concerning the word "J-a-p", short for Japanese, in this movie.

There is a scene where the hitchhiking marine impostor is picked up by an off-duty sheriff. As they drive past a Japanese internment camp, whenever the sheriff mentioned the residents of the camp, I could not hear the word he used apparently because it was erased. However, I could tell his lips were forming the word "J-a-p".
Then a short time later after the marine impostor has his first meal in a local restaurant, as he walks past some store fronts, he sees a text only sign that includes the word "J-a-p". The camera even zooms in and stays focused on that sign for a few seconds.
Since hearing or seeing that "J-a-p" word conveys the same meaning, it seemed strange that saying the word was censored, but displaying the word was not censored or deleted. I consider that to be a double standard.
