loved the sets in this

I just saw this again, first time in decades. I still love it!

Yes, sadly the FX are very poor, but they are fun!

I do think the sets were done nicely, giving a cool surrealistic look to the world they were in.

And Carolyn Munro... WOW!


I like the sets as well. Maurice Carter did a great job with the production design; I think the plastic-looking fauna actually helps the film achieve a very "otherworldly" look. And I love the colors...nothing quite like it.


>> I think the plastic-looking fauna actually helps the film achieve a very "otherworldly" look. And I love the colors...nothing quite like it.<<

Yeah movies like this anymore have lost some of the magic these older ones had.

There is just a certain cool look to the older ones that CGI does not match.


The sets were fantastic! The Mahar grotto, the caves, the jungle, all brilliant! Having a pink sky made them that much better too.


Yes I liked the sets too-colourful and the caves with the glowing gems- soothingly slow paced about the exploration of it all. Not faced based with quick edits like you would have today.


The sets were eerie looking. Great scenery for the action.
