Most Depressing Movie Ever?

I'm a huge fan of Bergman and much of his best work is depressing, but this must be the most depressing Bergman film, if not the most depressing film, of all time. What other movie combines depression, suicide, infidelity, rape, lack of love for your own child, childhood abuse, accidental death of parents, misery of old age, and even being buried alive? After watching this I feel drained. Only a truly tortured soul could create such a film.


If you haven't seen Cries & Whispers, it is way more depressing.


SPOILERS to The Seventh Seal, Persona, Shame and Hour of the Wolf.

Most Bergman films, really all of them, examine subjects and situations that are to at least some extent depressing. But most also include some thing that balances that depression to some extent. Take The Seventh Seal, where toward the end the knight has a moment of quiet revelation sharing wild strawberries and milk with Johan and Mary. And even at the very end seeing the departed in some kind of dance walking across the field.

Or where the depressive nature of the subject is nonetheless examined up to an end point that is open ended, as in Persona where the ending is ambiguous enough that we can wonder what happens to the main characters, and not be forced to conclude "nothing good."

For myself the films that even at the end are more pessimistic than this one would be Shame and Hour of the Wolf. But even there the subject matter, the nature of the characters involved and the contexts of their lives, somewhat limit the general lessons to be taken from the film. (Many films with downbeat endings as it were are downbeat in terms of the particular characters without necessarily saying something of universal application.)

Face to Face is at least open ended in its ending, reminding me of Persona in at least that regard, so no, it is not the most depressing movie even among Bergman films, let alone ever.


I think this, like all of Bergman's films, are ultimately hopeful because they're so beautifully made. Plus, they're about other people's lives, which makes my own existence considerably less depressing.


Not even the most depressing Bergman film.
