Why rated X?

I don't know how many have seen this film, but if you have, maybe you can answer me just a simple question out of curiosity- why did it get an X rating in the UK? Is there explicit sex content, extremely dark themes?


Wow, that's weird... really weird, actually.

There was definitely no explicit sexuality, there was an 'almost' rape scene, and the characters weren't even nude during it. There was some talk, and such, like in most any Bergman film, but certainly nothing that would warrant an X rating.

And, yes, the themes were dark, but nothing extremely disturbing, or graphic.

I'd say the R rating given for the US is accurate.



The film has serious adult content, period : ie phsychologically strong materials that would not suitable for youngsters to handle mentally, but hey, having said that I do think my 16 year old can cope with the emotional matters in Face to Face, covered by the living genius of cinema Mr Ingmar Bergman
Subash 11/2/6


I would think he could Sabash. I'm fourteen myself, and I reallyt enjoyed it.


How did you get to see this movie? Do you own it? See it on TV? What country are you from?

I've been looking for anything on Liv Ullmann, especially Face to Face, and it is nowhere to be found.


Well there was a little nudity, a sort off rape scene and some very dark themes.

Somebody here has been drinking and I'm sad to say it ain't me - Allan Francis Doyle


Yes, and some, kind of explicit, masturbation.


the sexual content in this film was not significant. The subject matter, though, was very adult and rather rough, so I can imagine it being difficult for minors.
