Woman who 'worked for Colson'

Bernstein/Hoffman meets her in an outdoor scene early in the film. Who is the actress? What is the name of the character? Was her name changed?


The name of the actress is Penny Peyser, and the name of the character she played was "Sharon Lyons."

http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3668084224/nm0679018?ref_=nmmi_mi_all_pbl_ 9

Like the scene in the film, Bernstein became aware of her through a fellow Post reporter who thought she worked for Colson. Bernstein contacted her, and she told him she didn't work for Colson but one of his assistants. She also told him she became familiar with Howard Hunt during this time and learned he was doing investigative work on Teddy Kennedy.

In the book All The President's Men, her character is never identified by name, so "Sharon Lyons" could be an invention.


Where was the location of the place they were meeting? It was such a gorgeous place to eat al fresco.


According to Robert Redford, the scene was filmed at the restaurant on top of the Kennedy Center roof.

Redford mentioned this in the DVD commentary, and added that he and Pakula were always looking for "outside" scenes to balance the predominantly "inside" nature of the story.


Thank you for that information. I looked on the website for The Kennedy Center, under The Roof Terrace Restaurant. As far as I can tell, the restaurant is on the roof, but there is no outdoor seating. What a pity!


Could be that the restaurant had outdoor seating in 1975 when filming was made but not anymore.
