
I took a look at the 1080p high definition episodes on iTunes, which are also widescreen. Expected them to be vertically cropped to achieve the widescreen, but when I compared them shot for shot with DVD episodes, I was shocked to see that while there was a little vertical cropping, the widescreen episodes actually did show a bit more picture on the sides that wasn't visible before. How the heck did they do that? Was it originally shot with some additional clearance all around, then cropped for TV?


Shows of the past was normally shot on 35mm film, where they usually used the same filming equipment as the big movie studios.
Then to make it fit for the television screens of the past, the image was cropped to 4:3

But i noticed that two of the 16:9 episodes do have flaws, because you can spot production crew in the side of the image. In another scene it was obviously so bad, that they chose to put in black bars on each side.
Don't recall the episodes, because i watched 5-6 episodes at the time.


I took a look at the 1080p high definition episodes on iTunes...

That explains all of the HQ pictures that have been added to her IMDB page.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters
