Russian version

Apparantly,there is a Russian version of the story 'Bogach,bednyak, filmed in 1982. Looking at the cast list on imdb it looks more faithfull to the novel. Does anyone know anything about it, as an enduringly huge fan of original (series and book) I'd love to see it.


Arjlover ( has it available for download, but I don't think there's any way you can obtain subtitles.

For the record, I don't think it's a very good film. The Soviet Union has adapted many wonderful works to film in its time, anything from Arthur Conan Doyle to Claude Tillier but this wasn't one of the better efforts. Besides if memory serves this was predominantly a Latvian production. I don't think it was by one of the major Soviet studios.


really i didnt Know


I found this on youtube. Didn't understand the language, but for devotees of the book its well worth a look.
