Favourite Episode?

I'd have to go with either Granville tryin to win the Milkwomans heart or Arkwright trying to sell the load of cake he bought as a job lot, spreading the rumour that it was an aphrodisiac


Yes, the excess cake was ggggenuine, jjjjamaican ggggginger cake and it was fantastic. I loved the one when nurse Gladys Emanuelle got him to go away with her and he retrieved his old money belt that was a few sizes too small for him.
I was teribly saddened by Ronnies passing. I would have loved to have seen him and Gggggranville (David Jason) do a comeback episode.


I love Parslow's funeral episode. The whole scene where Arkwright's trying to squeeze the tray of buns in the car is just hysterical. And by the time he slides them in the hearse with Parslow's coffin, I'm usually rolling around the floor laughing my head off!!



i have got series 2 and series 3 on the DVD

but i have not seen series 1..... is it better than 2 and 3....

i never see it in shops, someone told me that it may have had racial undertones and was not brought into shops.........which im not sure about!!1

Ronnie Barker was a legend....no better british comedian


Quote "i have got series 2 and series 3 on the DVD
but i have not seen series 1..... is it better than 2 and 3....
i never see it in shops, someone told me that it may have had racial undertones and was not brought into shops.........which im not sure about!!1
Ronnie Barker was a legend....no better british comedian "
I've just got series 1 at Asda for £9.99


series 1 is out on dvd I got it from Amazom and series 4 is on sale on the 31/10/2005


i love the episode where granville has been told to use his selling techniques, and the 2 women come in asking for cigarettes and they start gossipping and Arkwright is in the background using stuff to get granville to sell to the women....

arkwright starts playing with the lighters, nivea lotion, crisps magnifying glass, walking stick,

the granville 'in-love' moments are also sweet


I like the one with the cocoa lid, Granville's dangler!!!! Best comedy show ever..


The firelighters episode where Granville blew up the shed. Also that one where Granville tried to impress that girl Stephanie by pretending to be an executive. And the one where Granville puts tights on his head and pops up at the nurses window pretending to be a prowler and doesn't even scare her.

The eyes are open, the mouth moves, but Mr. Brain has long since departed, hasn't he, Perce?


It's very difficult to select any one episode as being my favourite, as they all shine in one way or another, but a consistently good one is "The Housekeeper Caper".

Gr-Granville gets his trousers caught in the mischevious till, and Mrs Bickerdyke comes in and asks Arkwright and Gladys "Why ever are you putting your Granville in that till?"

Arkwright also advertises for a live-in housekeeper in an abortive attempt to try and make Nurse Gladys jealous, only to have the Black Widow, Mrs Featherstone apply for the job....

But my favourite hilarious bit is the "Festival of Saint Sir-Cecil's Day" sketch.

An (un-named) myopic and hard-of-hearing old lady comes in to tell Arkwright that "her friend, Mrs Downsdall who is laid-up with a terrible knee, will only be requiring two small brown loaves tomorrow, and not three."

She commences by talking to the head of a a mop that is on display, only to be told by Arkwright that the mop doesn't even work here! <HA HA> .

After she passes on her message, she collides with Arkwright, then on the way out, she addresses a life-sized cut-out display of a young lady, to which she tells that "There's more staff than customers in this shop." <HA HA HA>

By the time we get to this bit, I'm usually rolling about on the floor with tears of laughter running down my cheeks, and gasping for breath....

I have the whole four sets on DVD, and I never tire of watching them. I know most of them word-perfect, but that does not diminish the enjoyment.

I just wish there had been twice as many made......and possibly a feature-length movie spin-off, which had been the custom with some other series of the time.

Ronnie will never die, here in Melbourne!!

The Opener of the Way is Waiting


i love all of them - but the one with the burglars is fantastic, as is the one where Granville wants Arkwright to buy a van. I was given a video with both od them on about 15 years ago and have watched the spots of them! Brilliant!!


i like the one where Arkwright and Gladys go to the wedding but cos Arkwrights suit is mothballed and old he has to wear her trousers at the ceremony.

"Why dont you just jer-jer-jer-jiggle it?"


Just seen the Clothes Horse episode again where Granville dresses up in a sari and goes undercover to spy on Mr Patels Emporium.... I'd forgotten how funny it was


I love the 'bur bur burglars' episode and 'fig biscuits and inspirational toilet rolls' is fab too!


Mines the cocoa tin lid one. I like it when julie says "ooh granville I like your...cocoa tin lid" in that voice of hers.

I also like the jamaican ginger cake one. I like the part when granville says "Jamaican ginger cake. It been no where near Jamaica." and Arkwright replies "Well we sell bloody mars bars don't we."




I concur with the 'ginger cake' and another favourite, with the Oxo tin and moneybelt, as he's supposedly taking nurse Gladys 'away' - to a hotel only streets away from his shop so he can keep an eye on it! Morning Mr B-ber-ber-ber Bristow!!!
