Missing episodes?

I recently borrowed the series from the library, and it contained 13 episodes, not 10. The three episodes that did not get listed under the actors' names are:
Episode 2. Family affairs.
Episode 3. Waiting in the wings.
Episode 4. What shall we do about Claudius.


There were originally 12 Episodes in the BBC series, the first however was 2 hours while the rest 1 hour long. When shown in the US the first episode was split in to two to make 13 episodes in total.


Yep, which is why here on IMDB there is no episode "Family Affairs" listed.

The first episode "A Touch Of Murder" would have contained what we American viewers know as "A Touch Of Murder" and "Family Affairs."

But that doesn't explain the missing "Waiting in the wings" and "What shall we do about Claudius." The Library must be missing a disc.

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Actually in the U.S. version episode 1 is two hours long.

The U.S. episodes however are quite out of synch with the UK episodes -- very typical for the butchering that PBS does to everything they air.


Actually, the series was to be broadcast as 13 episodes, but the BBC at the last minute decided to combine "A Touch of Murder" and "Family Affairs" into one, adding a bridge. Interestingly, the Actium Tribal dance is shorter in the gesalt.

Speaking of which, the series premiered in America 35 years ago this very day.
