
Does anyone else find the name amusing since David Doyle had advanced pattern baldness and there's a hair restoration institute with the same name? The commercial comes on and some guy is saying, "Bosley gave me my hair back!" and I'm thinking Bosley didn't have any hair to give.

Before making this thread I looked it up and the Bosley Institute was founded a couple of years before Charlie's Angels hit the air. Makes me wonder if that was an influence on the character name.
(is it me or does the girl look like she also got a nose job between the before and after?)


Bosley.....John Bosley was named after Tom Bosley from Happy Days, because he was always getting confused with that actor. It was supposed to a gag between David Doyle and Tom Bosley.

Is that the hair restoration that the Brady Bunch's Christopher Knight/Peter Brady uses?


Yes. If you watch that link I put in there, he's in the commercial.


yup! he was the last one on the ad.


Peter Brady: "This is MY HAIR! This is MY. HAIR!"

LOL. Especially when you consider what a big, frizzy, bush of hair Chris Knight had in the last few seasons of "The Brady Bunch". I guess most of it must have fallen out over the past forty years or so.
