Scariest episode.

I remeber watching one episode of the bionic woman as a kid and it scared me so much my parents turned it over half way through. From what i can remember there were 2 guys that found some relic in an indian burial place of some kind and it released a spirit of some kind. Really freaked me out, but would like to see it after all these years. Any1 know what episode it was?


I remember an episode where someone put poison (or some kind of dangerous drug) in her shampoo at a salon. The way they filmed it, and her acting was so convincing, it scared me to death as a kid!
I STILL think of that scene!

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


The Fembots never scared me fact very little on this show really did. I know it wasn't on this show per say, but the only time I remember being really creeped out and it still does creep me out is when Steve first runs into Bigfoot! There is such a build to that moment and then they finally show him and damn he's creepy! Kind of makes my skin crawl!

Has anyone ever told you you're as boring as you are ugly?


"Doomsday Is Tomorrow"


Scariest episode for me was the he one where the girl who had the plastic surgery to look like her had her switch places with her in prison. And I'm only 40 so I only know Katherine Helmond from Soap and Whose The Boss so I hated seeing her evil.snd trying to help destroy Jaime.
