Scariest episode.

I remeber watching one episode of the bionic woman as a kid and it scared me so much my parents turned it over half way through. From what i can remember there were 2 guys that found some relic in an indian burial place of some kind and it released a spirit of some kind. Really freaked me out, but would like to see it after all these years. Any1 know what episode it was?





i remember an episode with sharks and underwater bionic fights... maybe one of the scariest memories in my life... which episode could that be? its amazing that bionic woman episodes seemed scary to other people too! i thought i had a problem! i m now 32.



hey... i guess you are right, i remember that someone placed a device on her suit that was emitting some kind of sounds attracting the sharks! it is amazing that its coming back to me !!! more than 20 years ago !!! thanx a lot !



you are a real fan!!!! thanx a lot you made me check out other episodes as well and its amazing that i remember quite a lot of them... i was only 7 when it was running in greece !


I remember quite a few of them freaking me out. The night demon, Vega Influence, Ghost Hunter and definitely the fembots


The doomsday device scared the hell out of me.


Ditto on the Doomsday Device! I knew it was just a TV show but wow, did it really seem the world was going to end if that thing went off--!


Same here. ALEX creeped me out. The worst was the Fembots, though. It still gives me chills just hearing that word or thinking about it. The episodes that messed with my head the most were the ones with Lisa Galloway. I got into Bionic Woman pretty deep, and they really got to me. I have Bionic Woman season one and am very excited that season two will be out in two months with these episodes included.


I was five when 'Six Million' debuted, and I remember it was the first TV show I ever found truly unsettling. Other shows - like 'Night Gallery' or 'The Night Stalker' were more frightening, but somehow TSMDM really hit me as particularly creepy.

I think part of it was that - unlike the vampires and werewolves of Night Gallery or The Night Stalker, what happened to Steve Austin actually had happened to real people - people really did have horrible accidents every day.

But what was even more unsettling to my five-year-old psyche was not the accident itself, but the fact that he had been rebuilt from machine parts.

Was he a person? Was he a machine? Something in-between? Very troubling concepts to a kindergardener.

The famous introductory line "Steve Austin - a man barely alive..." was of course referring to his critical state immediately after his accident. At the time, however, I believed it was referring to his PERPETUAL state after he had been rebuilt. Since he wasn't completely human, he wasn't completely alive - hence, he was 'barely alive.'

Boy, that phrase kept me up late nights.

By the time 'The Bionic Woman' came out, I was a little older, and the idea wasn't quite so disturbing. Also, the music and opening scenes of TBW weren't quite so spooky - we never saw the weird half-human, half-machine appendages being passed back-and-forth.

Also, I remember wishing that my elementary school teachers looked like Lindsay Wagner.


The Fembots episodes scared me to death. I remember when Oscar was in the hospital and attacked Jaime I thing, and she threw him behind the receptionists desk. When he turned over and had no face scared me shtlss.


The scariest episode for me was when Jamie sported an afro in the "there's mind altering drugs in the shampoo" episode.


That was JAMIE?????!!!!!!!

To think, all this time... I thought it was Foxy Brown making a guest appearance.


I wish it had been Foxy, that big 80's hair scared me something awful!


Sorry but, Jaime wasn't attacked by the Oscar fembot(mascbot?). Steve covered
himself with a blanket and pretended to be Jaime sleeping. Steve threw "Ocsar"
behind the desk.


I think the scariest moment from an episode was the dream sequence from "Fembots
in Los Vegas". All those spooky images of the fembots and then Jaime falling from the helicopter! Very cool. Very creepy.


this is an old post but maybe you are still on kitty crabs.
i just watched that e3pisode for the katillionth time and yeah that scene was freeeeeaky


Doomsday is tomorrow. That computer's banal tones as it described the end of all life was reminiscent of HAL in 2001 a Space Odessy. Those darn heartless computers and the nasty people that they are a metaphor for scare the wits out of me.

God, Lindsey Wagner was so cute. I had such a kid crush on her. I just bought the whole 9 seasons of the bionic people on Ebay. Hope he had a license but I am glad I can watch all the neat episodes in my spare time.


fembots, hands down! those were scary creatures with masks off, and there were legions of them, jamie was nearly no match for them.

the fembots were to bionic woman what the cybernauts were to the avengers.

i hope that when the show is ressurected as a big screen feature, tv movie or updated series, those scary fembots would be around to menace our heroine!



??Bionic Woman Scary?? Talk about a sheltered childhood..the episode w/Kristy McNichol is kinda scary. Telekinetic, grieving Kristy has telekinesis but thinks the ghost of her recently dead mom is causing trouble. That's kind of scary, sad. Also when Jaimie gets locked up for being mistaken as Lisa Galloway (a 2-parter that Lindsay won an Emmy for) and the prison guards dope her up...Hallucinations, bionic limbs fail her..uh-oh. But I can't (even in retrospect, remembering when I was 11 and watching it) being scared..nervous, anxious sure. Jaimie always wins.


Scariest episodes: Definately the fembots, especially in the episode where Jamie has to jump out a window to escape them, and her legs give out, sparking. Bothered me a lot to see the faceless things reaching, trying to get to Jamie (or ME, in my dreams). Hell, like most of you, I was, what, 8, 9?? Also, the Night Demon. OMG...that thing made me have nightmares for ages. To watch it now, it's like, wtf?? Afraid of THAT? But, when you are 8, it was a frieghtening thing...Also, like above, when Jamie gets locked away and see Jamie crying the way she was, cause she was drugged up...OMG very upsetting..


The episode with Big Foot really freaked me out!



2 great Fembot clips off you tube!

"Other than that...lifes a bowl of Palmolive and I'm soaking in it"



Hi, howaya?


It's too bad I don't regularly check IMDB, didn't realize all this great dialogue was going on. So sorry for this late contribution, but two things...

1) Great call on the Jamie's afro episode and I have to agree. That thing gave me nightmares and I remember thinking, all through the episode, surely with Jamie's superhuman bionic speed, she could manage to wash off that godawful hairdo FIRST, then still have time to stop the bad guys at the end, but sadly it didn't happen.

2) Not sure if this counts, since technically it was a SMDM episode, but what started my lifelong crush on Jamie (and Lindsay) was her introduction on the show. She really brought a new dimension and I got really invested on her meeting Steve again, their beginning love affair....only to get really scared and sad in Part 2 when her bionic rejection started. I swear, when Jamie's headaches started and Lindsay Wagner would roll her eyes behind her head, I was so alarmed by Jamie's "pain", which then ended with her death (and Lee Majors' best acting on the show). But thank God for the writer(s) who thought this up, because of course they brought her back in a big way (thanks to viewer outcry) and the rest, as they say, is history.


when Jamie had to go face to face with the 7 foot Sasqutach/Bigfoot. Bigfoot was forced to turn against Jamie and Steve Bigfoot nearly killed Steve and it was up to Jamie to locate the "Wonder drug" before Steve died so the drug could save him from dying, which meant facing Bigfoot in A scary confrontation, which Jamie barely made it out unhurt thanks to Gillian the ailen. Ted Cassidy was Bigfoot #2 and legendary wrestler Andre The Giant was the original Sasquatch/Bigfoot but Ted Cassidy was Bigfoot when Jamie met him.

