Title change

If the title was "Baa Baa Black Sheep" why did they change it to "Black Sheep Squadron"? It's like when they changed "Happy Days" to "Happy Days Again". What's the point?


I was wondering that myself. When my husband came across it on METV he remembered it from watching it in France. I told him it was called Baa Baa Black Sheep in English but then I saw it was called Black Sheep Squadron. I thought my memory was faulty until I looked it up on this site.


Maybe it is because he didn't have any wool?


Yes he did, three bags full.


I assumed it was a matter of the Nursery rhyme quote, might have given the mistaken impression it was a children's show...
-- and watching it on MeTV, it may not be MA but it was definitely not for kids

the onscreen guide for MeTV labels it all as 'Squadron', even though the episodes date from the 'Baa Baa' era, and even the opening title card uses 'Baa Baa'


the Happy Days Again, and Chips Patrol (or Gunsmoke becoming Marshal Dillon, or Hawaii 5-O as McGarrett) were matters of Syndication, where in the show was running as reruns on the local affiliates while the original series still ran on the Network...

that Black Sheep only ran two seasons, and they changed the title between seasons whioch would indicate a production side issue

-- Syndication of reruns used to require 100 episodes, or for the series to be over, if over, no need to retitle it, and Black sheep only got to 35? episodes across 2 seasons... and with season 1 being the longer at 22 (vs S02's 13) you'd think they would have reverted to 'Baa Baa' for syndication in general, let alone 30 odd years later for MeTV


Wikipedia (yeah, I know) says it was changed for syndication reasons.
