Marijuana plants

I loved this show as a kid, when my folks would let me watch it that is. Seeing it again on the History channel I was kinda surprised at how bad it was. The strangest thing though is that in some of the shots of the planes landing I swear to god in the foreground are marijuana plants in full bloom. Anybody know anything about this? I know some of the scenes were filmed at Indian Dunes Airport.


uh i doubt it.

I could tell i was shot in california by the grassy hills and oal tree's, they tried to mask it with palm trees and ferns. thats what may have mislead you.


No way man, no way. I saw pot plants, I know what a pot plant looks like even in the foreground slightly, out of focus. If pot is growing nearby I will find it.


He he, are you sure you weren't out of focus? :-P

"It's a trap!"
- Admiral Ackbar


It's possible you were seeing a bushy cousin of the Maple family...

When I visited Hawaii as a kid we took a tour of an electroplating factory. They would bronze and gold plate baby boots, seashells, starfish, etc... as well as a variety of Hawaiian plants.

My brothers each bought several gold plated leaves that were apparently Chinese Maple (at least that's what I remember the guy at the factory store telling us they were) - and they look just like grass leaves, except they have a few less lobes per leaf. They look so much like pot leaves in fact that this factory had been busted in the prior few months before we went there - they had all sorts of pictures of these leaves on the walls indicating they were for 'joke' use only and were not actually marijuana.

It's possible you were seeing something like that? Otherwise, you never can tell - there supposedly was a lot of ditch weed in some parts of California - and plenty of people to throw seeds out their car windows, etc. :P


slim1357 blurted:

> No way man, no way. I saw pot plants, I know what a pot plant looks
> like even in the foreground slightly, out of focus. If pot is growing
> nearby I will find it.

Unless it is your profession to eliminate such plants, why would any sane person freely (and apparently happily) admit to such a thing? That makes you sound like someone on the bottom rung of the evolutionary scale, like 1960's hippies.


Dude he's right!

When you watch Baa Baa Black Sheep and play Pink Floyd Animals, the marijuana plants come on just as the sheep are baaing...coincidence? I think not!

Gotta go, my mom wants me to get out the basement and apply for a job, geez I'm only 45. When I turn 50 I am so outta here


now THAT's some funnyass sh*t!!1

i think Pappy slugs the lieutenant on the second intro hogsnort of "Pigs"


Unless it is your profession to eliminate such plants, why would any sane person freely (and apparently happily) admit to such a thing? That makes you sound like someone on the bottom rung of the evolutionary scale, like 1960's hippies.

*beep* you.


The show was filmed around what is now Canyon Country / Valencia - just north of Los Angeles. If you listen to some of the outside shots, you can hear motocross bikes in the background.
The film crew would constantly come over to the motocross course and tell us not to ride between certain times, as it was interferring with their shoot. As you can judge by the sounds, their complaining did not stop much of the riding.


I know exactly the shots you mean, but it's hard to confirm. Entirely possible though, it was shot out in the hinterlands of California. I'd be surprised if there weren't some pot shots in some of the countryside flying.
