It's in the Costco I shop at in Northern Virginia. I purchased the entire series today for a little over $34.00.


I just finished the final episode. Mighty fine watching, if I do say so myself.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


I'm finally watching from Netflix, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I really had loved the HBO series and Giamatti's Adams, and it's hard to say which one I really like best. They are each played so differently but still pretty true to history. I'm confused as to why some of the principles aren't listed here such as George Washington and James Madison. I found that Washington was played by David Hooks and Madison was Ken Kercheval of "Dallas" fame. I also noticed Philip Anglim of The Elephant Man(TV) and The Thorn Birds fame briefly in one or two scenes as a young man Charles Adams.
