Bear Quote

Does anyone know if the Roosevelt quote comparing the American Grizzly to the American nation was a real quote or just written for the movie? I really felt it gave a uniquely accurate description of the US position in the world.


I don't know if it is a quote from TR or simply Milus putting words in Teddy's mouth, but it sure as hell is a true enough statement in 2006. Not only does the world hate us and some fear us, but, in the War on Terror, we are mostly facing this trial alone.
With a few outstanding exceptions like England and Eastern Europe, most of the "intelligenitsa" (a word?) have turned thier backs on us and hope we fall.
Problem is, if we fall, so do they.

"Now why spoil the beauty of the thing with legality."


I just watched this film and found it poetic in it's scripting which helped to establish a ground to contrast different approaches and attitudes to people's purpose. Nice film.

With regard to mopar's comment you should find that the Terrorism that occurs is exacted upon those who create injustice against them. They don't want to go out to rule the world like some nations. If a country chooses to blindly, deceptively and arrogantly go to war with another country, remove its leader for the sake of power on oil, it deserves to fall. Please except the time for the American empire is nigh, look at the mongols, the romans, the british, french and russian empires, they all came and went. None could last forever. Sadly yourself and the rest of the "ignorama" in your're country just want to keep pushing no matter the cost of lives and money.

Open you're eyes plz, preferrably not only on what Georgey has to say.


If America truly wanted to rule the world, we'd be ruling it now. Terrorism is not America's fault. It is the fault of the nihlistic, demented culture that sends children with bombs strapped to them to kill other children while "intelectuals" like you ignore that and simply blame America cuz your Beardo the Wierdo college prof sez so. By you saying that "Terrorisim occurs upon those who create injustice against them" you are complicit with those that commit the graver injustice of murdering innocent people. I want to see the terrorists defeated, while you make excuses for them and help justify murder. I wonder how we stack up, morally?

"Does this President; this Roosevelt. Does he have no respect for human life?"


Let us do those in the Arab & Islamic world who wish us (America and the West) evil the courtesy of considering their words as accurately reflecting their views.
IF you bother to read and listen, you will find that in their view, the ONLY acceptable action on our part is to submit to their TRUTH.
Only by accepting their TRUTH, and behaving as they believe we should will the conflict between us end.
What is their TRUTH?
Turning back the clock 1400 years, re-establishing the Caliphate, and submission to their version of Islam because this is God's Will.
If you doubt this- then you either believe they lie when they state what they believe, or you are a damn fool.
In short- you are either a hypocrite or an idiot.
Have a good day.


The U.S.A. has been ruling the world since the end of WW2 you dumbass ! Read John Perkins 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' and learn something idiot .

That which does not Kill me makes me Stranger


god bless the terrorists at least they mix their blood with the blood of their victims unlike the cowards who bombed women and children in a civilian shelter in 1991


hey yusuf,
The taliban called- they want their lame-@$$ed propaganda back.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


no it isn't, it's historical fact that i can prove, but not to animals without ethics.


Untrue and you know it. You don't know what injustice is, nor do the poor idiots that get recruited to strap explosives to their bodies. Go and try and buy some food then get denied because of what you look like.

"Injustice" don't know the meaning of the word. Nor do those who impose it.


Most of us in your allied countries (I'm Canadian) don't want you to fail. But we do want you to elect leaders who will not lead you into foolish, unnecessary adventures like the Iraq disaster.


That is a nice thought Canada....but the world should realize that the american citizens do not truely have the power to elect who they want.....that power lies in the very rich and the electorial college....Bush stole the first election right from under the country and Gore....Do ya'll truely think we have a choice....America is a fake democracy......Those in Congress, the senate...those people were elected by the rich for the rich....and even if we get someone good in one of those seats....they are drummed out by fake scandal.....You have no idea what it is like to live here.......It is a farce.....

The Truth is out there.


To Kimpunkrock,
Your absurdity is only surpassed by your ignorance!!! The American people do have the ability of electorate power - it is unfortunate that occassionally we get the government we deserve. We have the lowest electorial turnout because we take the right to vote for granted.

The electorial college reminds candidates to visit other places besides the centers of money consolodated on the east and left coast, the argument against the college is a poorly veiled attempt to remove the vote from rural america. Additionally, perhaps you would like to refresh your knowledge of governmental types - learn the difference between a democracy and a republic, than perhaps your ignorance of our government might just be educated away, we live in a Republic!

And I must remind you that the first law suit was filed by Gore or did you convienantly forget that. Bush did indeed mistake the reasons for entering Iraq - but it was certainly a case of doing the right thing for the wrong reasons! Or would you argue that removing the oppressor of 100's of thousands of peoples was the wrong thing to do - but I'm certain you would agree with unilateral intervention in Darfur. You like so many on the left want to pick and choose your battles by only the measure of what feels good and is convienant at the time.

Your comments concerning our elected officials are way out of line, and its folks like you that feed misconceptions about the relationship between the electorate and its government.

Returning the clock to 14th century Islamic fundamentalism is not on my list of things I would like to see done in the modern age.

Speak knowingly or dont speak at all as people are giving thier lives to let you have voice!

Good day



I feel sorry for you. To live in such a horrible nation such as the US must weigh heavily on your soul. I too live within the great Satan and cannot believe that we can be so sad while having all the freedoms that most of the electorate takes for granted. Oh to live such a sad, sad life. If you hate your country so much how can you stand to stay? I agree with the thought process of the early part of the last century. America is a great nation that is hated throughout the world, not because we are doing the wrong thing but because we are like the strict parent. They all hate us because we are a great and just country.


I know what I have to say has nothing to do with the actual Subject here ("Bear Quote"), but does anyone if Teddy Roosevelt's quote concerning the USA being like a grizzly bear, and the bald eagle being nothing more than a "dandified vulture", is an actual quote from President Roosevelt of merely a line conceived by the screenwriter?
Thank you for time
Do not say all that you know, but always know what you say
-Appius Claudius


hey canada ...I am totally with you on that one!

...and guys (Americans) remember part of the quote comparing the US to the bear is
' ...a little blind and reckless at times...'
well and that's when you should focus ...cause to be that great nation you claim to be you need more than muscles, you need to open your eyes get a long-term perspective on things and use your brains... ;-)

...a bear can be loved and respected as a beautiful, strong creature ...and he can run wild and become a feared and hated killer... the difference lies in the behavier of the bear!
Sometimes it's important to step aside and take a look on things from outside the system and refocus. Otherwise one gets corruppted by ones own power too fast ...just think how many revolutionaries became dictators themselfs!?

be true to the red, white and blue... but also look behind the banner or it will f##k your mind and make you blind!



hey canada ...I am totally with you on that one!

...and guys (Americans) remember part of the quote comparing the US to the bear is
' ...a little blind and reckless at times...'
well and that's when you should focus ...cause to be that great nation you claim to be you need more than muscles, you need to open your eyes get a long-term perspective on things and use your brains... ;-)

...a bear can be loved and respected as a beautiful, strong creature ...and he can run wild and become a feared and hated killer... the difference lies in the behavier of the bear!
Sometimes it's important to step aside and take a look on things from outside the system and refocus. Otherwise one gets corruppted by ones own power too fast ...just think how many revolutionaries became dictators themselfs!?

be true to the red, white and blue... but also look behind the banner or it will f##k your mind and make you blind!



It's made up. I just saw the director's comments on the DVD, and he mentioned that there's a staute in Washington State somewhere of a bear that the makers of were looking for the speech. He says he gave it to them and made it seem as if it were a real speech, but in reality, he made the whole thing up.


see: Joseph Beuys 'Coyote'
