Would I like this movie...

Hey, I've been meaning to check this one out for a while, but I keep wondering if I should even bother as I hear it is pretty similar to Last House on the Left. Well, considering the fact that I am not a fan of Last House on the Left (or House on the Edge of the Park for that matter), should I still give this film a chance?


Any movie should be given a chance, whether or not its simliar to another movie.


"Life's a pain and God's a sadist."


While Night Train Murders is very similar to the movies you mentioned, it's ultimately much better than either because the underlying message is quite profound. It's also very well made... and even if the other films have a few moments more vicious, i think Night Train Murders is more sinister and disturbing. The atmosphere is better realized than the other movies. It actually reminds me more of I Spit On Your Grave than anything else...

"Cain and Abel will go to Heaven... if they can make it through Hell!" -Los Hijos Del Topo


I didn't really appreciate Last House coz I thought it was a bit of a pointless exploitation with poor acting.
Night Train has fantastic acting and has multi-layered meanings threaded through it. Night Train is the thinking man's Last House IMO


I liked it but not everyone likes everything the same


It's better made than LHOTL and it's less graphic, but it's equally disturbing. It's got a little different agenda than "last House". It's more class-conscious and European, for instance. If you didn't like the American film, you might not like it, but it's the best of the European "rip-offs" by far, better than "Last House on the Beach", "Terror Express", "Midnight Blue", "Hous by the Edge of the Park", etc.
