The Little Box

Firstly, I just want to say how much I loved this thought-provoking film and just wanted to share some thoughts I had when watching.
The creepy woman's box is the focal point of the film IMO. She is very protective of it and when she drops it, we see it contains all of her past dirty secrets. In the end she has escaped suspicion and yet, that box sitting on the driveway is capable of condemning her while also embodying everything that she is. A shut box of secrets that hides in plain sight. One wonders if this is just an isolated incident or whether trouble follows her wherever she goes. When she drops the box and it flicks open, it can also be viewed as a metaphor for Pandora's letting loose the evils into the world as this seems the catalyst for the horrific events that follow. Thoughts?


I haven't seen the film in a number of years but what you say is very interesting and makes an awful lot of sense. Don't the young hoodlums carry the box for her on the train too, after they have 'hooked up' with her?

'What does it matter what you say about people?'
Touch of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958).


yes they did
