MovieChat Forums > Trilogy of Terror (1975) Discussion > Yet another 'I need help with a movie ti...

Yet another 'I need help with a movie title!' post

So like most of you I remember watching a movie on TV that let an impression on me. it must've been on during the lat 80's early 90's I'd say when I was little. movie looks like it could be made in the 70's or 80's.

I only remember one part. a little girl is sitting somewhere (her room I think) in the dark. with her pet goats that have hats on them and other dress up stuff on. she is having some sort of seance witha Ouija board I think.

Then i remember an old woman killing a rabbit in her garden I believe. and you hear the rabbit screaming! it was quite disturbing for me when I watched it.

Anyone know what the hell I was watching? or did I imagine it??

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I think you've got the wrong movie. I don't know what movie you're posting about but it's not TRILOGY OF TERROR.


I know its not Trilogy of terror... I was just wondering if anyone on here knew what it was. cause alot of other people have posted the same topics.

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