MovieChat Forums > Trilogy of Terror (1975) Discussion > Trilogy of Terror(s) Review

Trilogy of Terror(s) Review

I have forgotten all about these movies until I saw the second one on Sci-Fi Sunday night. I really didn't like the second one all that much.

The first one, I have forgotten the main plot of the first two stories, But if I remember correctly, I do remember the first story being about a teacher being raped by a student. Was that the first story? If it was, I didn't think that one was all that great. MAybe the second story was about twins and one kills the other. I think that is what that story is about. I really thought that one was interesting. The Third one is the one anybody should remember from watching either one of these movies. That zuni fetish doll was so cool. I'd love to have that thing sitting ontop of my dresser in my room, next to my freddy & jason bobble heads. That would be so cool. I loved the third story, I just didn't like the little fetish doll's laugh and moans because it sounded like the creatures from Gremlins.

I'll give this movie a 7.2/10 just because that last story is worth the entire movie.

The second one wasn't all that great. The first story was about some old guy married to his young girl. And the young girl gets caught having sex with her (I think) cousin. Yeah, that's just fu(*ed up in the first place. Well, then the cousin throws him down the stairs and he dies. So he is burried in a cemetary, where giant rats are. And the rats are like the size of dogs and they looked horrible, they looked like those plastic mice you can buy at the store. Well the girl shoots her cousin and then the rats eat her. I probibly thought this story was one of the best out of all six stories in all.

The second story in TOT2 is the worst of the series. I like the black magic plot. But when the girl brings the boy back from the dead, that is horrible. It just gets worse. The boy's acting is the worst acting I"ve ever seen. I just wanted to turn it off after I watched it. Horrible dialouge in this story made me want to change the channel. But I didn't because I knew that the fetish doll was one story away...

The third story was suprisingly (sp) etter than the first zuni fetish doll. It takes place on the same night as the previous fetish doll incident. This time it's in a museum and it wakes up after being burnt. The girl's cop friend gets killed, and another guy gets killed. about four people get killed in this. More deaths happen in this one than in the first. This one... again, is worth watching the two other stories.

I'll give this one a 5.6/10 because I thought the second one wasn't great and the first one, I would have rather seen CGI rats than giant rubber mice.

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