Trilogy of Terror III

Who out there thinks that Trilogy of Terror should be an actual trilogy? with a new film featuring 3 new stories with the last segment featuring the Zuni doll on yet another rampage.

I hope they eventually make a third one, then they can release a Trilogy of Terror Trilogy DVD box-set.


I think they should make a part 3, but this time let it be all about the Zuni dolls. They are cool, and freaky!

R.I.P. Uncle Steve


Excellent idea since I did enjoy part two.



Part 2 was lacking. However, I would like to see Trilogy of Terror III for sure. I actually had a pretty innovative idea for a third film too.


The sound you're hearing is the symphony of what we are...



Actually Trilogy of Terror II is the third one. The second is Dead of Night (1977).

Have you forgotten how it felt that day/To see your homeland under fire/And her people blown away?


Um you are wrong.


I think it's called "trilogy" because it has three stories in it, duh!!
