MovieChat Forums > Trilogy of Terror (1975) Discussion > Anyone remember this TV horror movie (OT...

Anyone remember this TV horror movie (OT)

Sorry, I know it's off-topic, but I've been trying for years to remember another made-for-tv-horror movie I saw as a kid, so same time period as Trilogy of Terror.

It involved a family in which the little girl in the film has a dollhouse that resembles the house the family is living in. At the end, both houses catch fire -- I think the fire starts in the kitchen. But the gist seemed to be that things that happened to the dolls in the dollhouse would happen to corresponding members of the family.

Does anyone remember this? Thanks.



Thanks, but that's too recent -- it'd have to be something from the early-to-mid '70s, when I was a kid. Ir may have even been shot on videotape, though I wouldn't swear on it.


This sounded familiar as soon as I read it. I vaguely remember this, but I think it may have been an episode on an anthology series vs. a movie. This is going to sound weird, but I seem to remember there were no people for the dollhouse and the little girl makes them out of cookies and toothpicks. I may be mixing up 2 different memories, but for some reason it seems to go together.


Oh my gosh, that's it -- I remembered it being cookies, too, but it seemed too odd and I thought I was remembering it wrong! What the heck was the name of the show? I'm so glad I'm not the only one who remembers it -- it's been driving me batty for a while!


The only horror anthology series I can remember in the 70's was "The Sixth Sense", and another short lived series hosted by Sebastian Cabot called "Ghost Story". When CBS resurrected the Twilight Zone series in 1985, I think there was a story in there that had to do with people finding themselves trapped in their house(which turns out later to be a little girl's dollhouse). Go to and see if episodes are listed for any of these series. Night Gallery was the big horror show on tv then, but not as good as Twilight Zone, or others that debuted in the 1980's.

There weren't too many horror/sci-fi/fantasy anthology series in the 1970's that I remember. Orson Welles had a short lived mystery series(check his resume at this site), and a series in the 1980's had Sir John Geilgud in one of it's episodes as a crafty furniture buyer, but I don't remember it's title.


Tales Of The Unexpected (1979 - 1980) aka Raould Dahl's Tales Of The Unexpected
Great Mysteries (1973) aka "Orson Welles'Great Mysteries"


I was just commenting on how Trilogy of Terror and this episode of the Night Gallery left such a impression. My memory is vague but I remember the little girl taking the cookies and making dolls of them by cutting up cloths from each of her family relatives to represent them. I believe one set was her evil parents, whom she hated, and the second set was her grandparents, whom she adored. She played with them in her doll house whereof one late night she had a candle burning inside and accidently set on fire. As she ran to wake her family the real house began to go ablaze, no one would wake up. She ran back to the doll house to save the cookie folks they all woke up and got out... except one, or both, of the evil parents who got dropped or left behind in the doll house. Again... I was very young so not exacly clear but definitely remember Rod Serling's face coming up at the end of this tale.

Ever seen the TV movie Don't Be Afraid of the Dark? A daughter inherits the family home with small little creatures living in the fireplace.... very creepy as they try to drag her into their realm and she fights them off with the flash of a camera. That was the other film that will always screw with me from my youth...


This is not a made for TV movie, this was part of the series Ghost Story later Circle of Fear it aired from 1972 to 1973. The Ghost Story segments were hosted by Sebastian Cabot up until mid season then the series dropped him as host and became Circle of Fear and continued under that title until it's one season run. WGN out of Chicago showed these in the 80's late at night for a time before disapearing from the air all together this is probably the last time the series was ran on American Television. Luckly some people took the time to record these on tape because episodes have appeared on EBAY that's were I was able to get some of the episodes.

The episode that every one is wondering about is titled HOUSE OF EVIL, that aired under the Ghost Story title around late 1972. This is episode 8 of the series. This episode also has a young Jodie Foster as the girl who makes the doll's out of the cookies. I only have a handfull of episodes my self but this is one of them and I do recommend it. It is dated because of the early 70's but it is still enjoyable.

Word of warning some of the copies that are sold on EBAY are not of great quality they are dubs of dubs, so be careful. So good luck on finding a copy and happy that I could help.


I remember this episode well of "Ghost Story" (later called "Circle of Fear").
I believe that it guest starred the late great actor Melvin Douglas. His
character encouraged his granddaughter to make little dolls (voodoo dolls) out
of cookies and then use them to murder the other residents of the house,
including the housekeeper. In a neat twist ending, the little girl (who was
mute) hears the voice of her dead mother telling her to "wake up" her dolls
before they (and their corresponding real life counterparts) were incinerated
in a house fire.
