Please help

I've been trying to find the name of this movie for years, and I'm hoping someone here can help me. It's a Trilogy of Terror type movie from the 70's. First story is about a virtual reality playroom that two kids become obssessed with, and they will only go to Africa in it. Second story, a sexy stranger kills a mom's teenage daughter, and I think cooks her. Third story, a man falls in love with a tree stump that kind of looks like a woman. Does this sound familiar to anyone??


I remember a show that starred Rod Steiger that involved his kids travelling to Africa through some magical means. It ended with Steiger deposited on the African plain, where he was attacked by lions.

Is that the first show you refer to?

Kill all humans!


Sounds like "The Illustrated Man" by Ray Bradury.



The first part is from "The Illustrated Man" which did star Rod Stieger in the title role. But the other two are not from that movie. You may be remembering more than one show/movie here.

Tom Head


thanks for your replies!!

The Veldt is definately the first story. However, I do remember the other two I described as being part of the movie. Unfortunately, it's probably an obscure, low budget tv movie from the '60s.

But at least now I have a way to continuw looking. Thanks again!


It sounds like "The Ray Bradbury Theater". Maybe you saw some episodes back-to-back like I did once.



The movie you saw was probably 'THE ILLUSTRATED MAN' w/ rod stieger, but the other stories after were about men on venus trying to get to a 'sun dome' and a futuristic pastoral earth where the parents kill all the children in their sleep because of a prophecy; you may have mixed up several stories...the stories revolve around the tattoos of Rod Stieger, each tattoo becomes a story.

There may have been another film about 'illustrated man'.


You are talking about 2 different films. The story of the kids who are obsessed with a virtual reality playroom is the first tale in THE ILLUSTRATED MAN which was released in 1969. The other 2 stories about a woman whose daughter is cooked and eaten and a man who falls in love with a tree that resembles a woman are from the British horror anthology TALES THAT WITNESS MADNESS which was released in 1973.
