New dvd commentary

Oh I cannot wait to hear this commentary by Karen Black. It already sounds like it's going to be awesome. She is quoted as saying how silly it was to film that Zuni doll segment and how most of the doll's performance was actually her's.

"There's never enough time, never enough" ~ BBM


I quite enjoyed the commentary on the new DVD by Karen Black and screenwriter William F. Nolan. Ms. Black supplies a wonderful wealth of interesting trivia. For example, that's her then husband Robert Burton playing the scheming college student who tries to seduce and blackmail her in the first story. Moreover, Ms. Black wrote the phone conversation between herself and her mother in the final segment.

"Warren Oates died for our sins"


Interesting audio comentary on the DVD,
Uhh . . . couldn't somebody involved in the Special Edition have the heart to tell Karen Black that it's called "Trilogy of Terror" and not "Trilogy In Terror ???


Thanks, Tsrts. I was like damn, one of her better known works and she can't even get the title right. I was waiting for her to remark on Five Easy Riders....LOL.

I felt the commentary was a little strained with her and the writer.

"here's me in an A-frame, what did you say"
"wonderful acting by you on that did you do that?"
"Thank you. I just left my body...."
"here's me in thick glasses."
"Look at my beautiful fall...."

But, this is a classic movie and Karen Black is a classic actress, so I forgive.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


Karen Black was unique. I like how she gave interesting details and knew what would interest most viewers. That probably helped make her such an entertaining actress, too.
