Lock on door

Ok after viewing "Amelia" quite a few times, I finally realized why she couldn't get out of her apartment while the doll was in the suitcase. It had messed up her lock and twisted it so it wouldn't open.

Now come on, how the heck did the doll get all the way up on top and do that? Granted nothing in this tale is realistic and it's pointless to ask these kinds of questions, but still I find it hard to believe it climbed up and messed up the lock. I guess it also locked all the windows. It must have been busy while she was taking her bath!

"There's never enough time, never enough" ~ BBM


Well, from what I heard on the DVD commentary, a lot of the deleted footage from Amelia covered this stuff.

But we did see earlier the Zuni Doll had climbing capabilities and probably used the knife or his spear as something to aide himself up in harder to reach places. Either that or he is one hell of a jumper. =P


The sound you're hearing is the symphony of what we are...


Finally! Someone aside from me notices this as well. When first viewing this I had asked myself "How did Amelia know to instinctively go to the kitchen and get a utensil to attempt to pry the door/lock open without first attempting to open it in the first place and realizing that the lock was twisted inwardly so she'd not be able to get out?" The obvious answer is that a seen such as this had to of been cut out by the film editors. An even bigger question is this > When Amelia dialed 911 in the phone to get the police , she was asked by the operator of her location to which Amelia screams out "I don't know where I'm located! Just get me the police pleeeease!" Ummh...how did she get there in the first place? Ummh...was this not her boyfriend's apartment?...I'm sure she had knowledge of the address...this to me was a major goof. However with that said the last story of the trilogy is great fun and still worth watching. Just don't try to make much sense of it as in most horror films.


It is her apartment and I'm sure she knows the address, HOWEVER when you're being attacked by a killer Zuni doll I think all sense goes out the window. I always took it as she was too freaked out at the moment to remember her own address.

I recently read the short story "Prey" and Amelia does try to open the door and notices that the lock has been tampered with. So yeah I guess that scene was cut out. Still doesn't explain how the doll got up there, but oh well :)

"It is but a shadow & a thought you love. I cannot give you what you seek" ~ Aragorn


The Zuni doll can do anything. Never question the power of the Zuni. LOL!

(Including it's power to keep me freaked out since I was 6 years-old!)


Back then, 911 was not commonly used. People usually dialed the operator for the police.

http://www.cgonzales.net & http://www.drxcreatures.com
