Black is Whack

I love Karen Black. I just watched the little featurette on the recent Dark Sky release and my jaw was on the floor when she started talking about vaginal entry and the Zuni Doll.

Though it's a shame that she seems to dislike the horror genre so much. When she said that people calling movies 'horror' when are really 'sci-fi' are not very literate, I scoffed. She claims that all of Curtis's work is sci-fi. Her definition of horror seems to be "bodies getting spliced up." I'm surprised that someone who has given so much to the genre would have such a narrow definition of it. I also do not think that horror and sci-fi are mutually exclusive genres, which she implies. Perhaps she's just sick of horror movies, but I was really surprised by those comments at the end of the featurette.

But I suppose bizarre comments like these are part of why I like Karen Black so much.

Just keep telling yourself...its only a's only a poodle!


I love Karen too! Her eyes are extremely wicked. I'd date her on any Halloween for sure!

"I have seen and heard things in my life that are best left UNTOLD!"


To be honest I was pretty offended by Karen Black's negative comments pertaining to horror films and her refusal to embrace the genre which she has worked in quite extensively throughout the years. Such films as "Burnt Offerings," "Evil Spirits," and especially "House of 1,000 Corpses" are definitely horror movies beyond a reasonable doubt. Ditto "Trilogy of Terror." That beef aside, I'm still a big fan of her as an actress, but I gotta admit her comments in that interview really rubbed me the wrong way.

"Warren Oates died for our sins"


it rubbed me the wrong way too.

I watched the other features last night, and Richard Matheson talks about how his works aren't horror, but 'terror,' because his stories about blood and guts. Interesting. I wonder why so many people who work in the genre have such a dislike of the term 'horror.'

So I watched the commentary last night and Karen doesn't come across as very nice during the parts with William Nolan. I felt so bad for him! Every time he asked her a question she'd ignore him and talk about something else. He responded to one of her comments about something and she said "No. that's not what i was talking about." What the heck? Who behaves that way on a commentary? Of course, she was gracious to him was when he was complementing her performance in the film. It's a very informative commentary. The best part is the Zuni doll commentary when Nolan leaves. She just made the first two segments awkward to listen to for me.

I was so excited by the Trilogy of Terror DVD and features, and now that I have it, I'm a bit put off by Karen Black. I still love her work, but I mean come on, this is a woman who has appeared in crap like "Curse of the 49er" and "Children of the Corn 4." You're a brilliant actress, you're lovely, you're way underrated...but get off your high horse already?!

Just keep telling yourself...its only a's only a poodle!


I think Jaren was kidding herself!!

"I have seen and heard things in my life that are best left UNTOLD!"


Lol, who's Karen Black kidding? She's devoted over half her career to the horror genre! Trilogy of Terror, The Pyx, Out of the Dark, Burnt Offerings, Evil Spirits, House of 1000 Corpses, Curse of the 49ers, Oliver Twisted, A Light in the Darkness, Soulkeeper, It's Alive 3, Children of the Corn 4, Dr. Rage, Haunting Fear, Mirror Mirror, Hellborn, Killer Fish, Light Speed, Children of the Night… that's about 20 titles I just rattled off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more.

Maybe she feels frustrated that she hasn't gotten many great roles like Five Easy Pieces or Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean in a long time (although she was terrific in Firecracker), but she should still embrace her status as a horror icon. I still love her to bits though!


Maybe they weren't her favorite genre. A buck's a buck... &


Yes, even though I don't agree with her comments about the horror genre she still gave some of the finest performances I've ever seen. For someone who doesn't like the material she had to work with, she still gave the performances her all and you could never tell she was disinterested. I think that shows how good of an actress and how professional she was. I really do miss her.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!
