Saw it on Acid

Me and some buddies were getting high one night (smoking pot, dropping some acid) and this was on and the scene where Karen Black turns into the "doll" creature scared the freakin' daylights outta me! I was awake all night b/c of the acid anyway but I'll never forget that night...



Don't forget the beer next time.

"I had to rescue a burning baby. See, I got burning baby all over me."


Couldn't really drink b/c I had to go home. My mother would have smelled it, plus I didn't need anything besides weed & the acid. My older brother lived with this hippie-type dude & I had went over there to get stoned. I graduated high school in 1975 & I had to go to school the next day (imagine!). Had some good times back then.



I don't do those things anymore. I was a teenager in the 70's & did a lot of drugs- mostly weed.


Well, you're lucky to have gotten to watch it during it's original broadcast even if you probably weren't your best at the moment.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!


lol- yeah I watched it recently off You Tube. Saw the DVD at Wal-Mart. I remember for a made-for-TV movie it was scary! Another great made for TV movie is Salem's Lot (1979 mini-series). We had fun back then but you gotta grow up sometime (unfortunately!).


Yes, Salem's Lot is very good as well. One of my favorite vampire movies ever.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!
