Missing scene??

I watched my dvd "special edition" of "Trilogy of Terror. It is the version on Dark Sky Films DVD7593.

My question is this:

Are there multiple versions of this film?

I remember seeing this film on television when I was a kid. I clearly remember seeing a scene of the doll being in a store or a store window.

This scene/shot is not on my dvd.

Anybody else remember this?



I have this movie on VHS and my version doesn't have a scene like that either . However that scene does seem a bit familar to me also . Maybe it was only on TV when it first aired and then cut later for video ? It's just a wild guess of mine because it's done alot with these old shows on DVD and VHS now a days . I don't really know for sure . Sorry I could not be more of help on this one . Thanks elviszappa for your subject post .


Could you be remembering a scene in Cat's Eye when you see a ghost girl in the shop window?
