us rating

i did not see the whole movie (the first 15 minutes, the last 30 or so) andmabye i missed somthing in the middle, but unless that is so, how is it rated R? i assume for the violence, but it was so porly done, i dont see how that can affect it so much. also, i saw an x or nc-17 version. i guess that had more.


When it first came out, it was rated X due to graphic violence.

"Poorly done..."? Compared to what?

Do The Mussolini! Headkick!


simply meant by pourly done, bad sound effects and acting (little things). thats just because its an old movie. besides, i did not mention i saw a pg-13 version on fx. i did not know a movie could be rated x for graphic violence.


Yeah, but you gotta consider the budget and the things the director, actors, and producers had to work with. Compared with other martial arts films it fits in place. If you wanna compare it with some flashy hack like Tarantino, then it's gonna look dated by 30 years. Everything in perspective, the film stands as one of the most easily recognised in the genre right along stuff like Fists Of Fury and Lik Wong.

Do The Mussolini! Headkick!


well i guess you make a pretty good point. i just like 70s movies. but my favorite was death wish.


There's a PG-13 rated version? It must be more watered down then the up and coming 'I Spit On Your Grave' remake.
