Goof or Intentional scene?

This fim despite being about sex, drugs and rock N roll had no overt sex scenes and no nudity. It did have a few shots of folks smoking a doobie and one scene where the young Gary Page of the group the Pages is seen snorting a line but it was a very conservative movie for the subject matter and of the times, there are a few s and f bombs which is why the film received a PG rating.

In the scene where the morning after Velour Page stays overnight at the apt of Coleman Buckmaster she is sitting on a stepped corner piece of furniture wearing a pair of white shorts when Coleman answers the door and another girlfriend shows up which he sends on her way. When Velour gets up one can clearly see through the white shorts and detect she is not wearing any panties as her muff is quite visible.

I am wondering if this was intentional? Perhaps, it is only visible on the remastered DVD version? I saw this film during its initial run back in 1975 but I can't recall noticing it one way or another, it is a trivial matter and I don't care but knowing how film raters of that time operated it seems to me this would've given the movie an R rating.


Hey Jon;

I just recently watched the movie, and when considering Keitel's work, I'm positive it was a goof ball scene! Especially given it's time period!
