RIP Michael Sarrazin

I'll remember you best in this movie.

If you come back as Jeffrey Curtis, please tell us all about the afterlife, okay? :-)


I look forward to the reincarnation of Michael Sarrazin, because I miss him already in this world. Actually, I've been missing him for several of the last years he was alive, when he just seemed to vanish from the scene, or appear in horrible movies like "Fear-Dot-Com."

But on to his great films, which were many. This one always comes to mind immediately when I hear his name, because it's the strangest and hardest to shake, but "They Shoot Horses Don't They" is hypnotic, the Bogdanovich screwball comedies are a lot of fun, and of course the "Josh Ramsey: V.D. Caseworker" skit on "Saturday Night Live" provides a healthy dose of laughs.

R.I.P. to an all-around great actor with a great Act One to a career that sadly didn't maintain that momentum.



I don't know why my wife and I were talking about Mike last night, but this is the movie I remember him in best so I thought I'd look him up; after several very good movies (and I consider TRoPP a good movie) he just disappeared. I just now learned of his death, and was sorry to read it. He did live a good long life though. A toast to you, Mike, wherever you are.
