If you watch the film "The Burbs" starring Tom Hanks, theres a scene in which Tom is watching television and one of the films he watches is Race w/ the Devil. It's the scene where they sacrifice the girl! Hanks also watches the Exorcist, I haven't seen the burbs in a while but I was watching t.v late one night and I turned on to the scene in Race w/ the devil thats in the burbs. I was like I gotta see this cause Im a huge Easy Rider and The Trip fan!




I know this is a way late reply, but the first time I ever saw any portion of this movie was when I was like 7 years old and saw the Burbs in the theater. It wasn't until I was about 14 and was home sick from school one day and I caught this on tv. I was like "Hey this is that movie from the Burbs!"

I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal. People know me.
