New DVD -Censored!!!

Why do they continue to release the PG version of this film? I remember seeing this without the nudity during the satanic ritual blurred out. I would have thought that Anchor Bay would have released the uncensored version. Very disappointing!!!


Boobs or not, no biggie. The majority of us have seen boobs. The whole movie is there from beginning to end. Just have to use your imagination when it comes to seeing a completely naked girl about to be sacrificed.

I'm just happy that they finally got around to releasing it on dvd. I bought it along with Peter Fonda's "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry" all on the same day as they were both released at the same time. What a great day for dvds! I think Peter Fonda was a very cool dude back in the mid-70s in the movies he played. Although not a great movie, I'm also hoping they'll soon release "High Ballin'" on dvd, another action/drama movie starring Peter Fonda.


DIRT MARY, CRAZY LARRY is also great -- but, c'mon, release the movie the way it was intended. Boobs are no biggie, exactly - so why fuzz them out? The tone of the film is R. Just leave it that way. If I want fuzzed out "boobs," I'll get the clean flicks version.



Race With the Devil has always been PG. All print ads and posters indicate so.


It's pretty clear from the commentary that the scene in question has always looked that way.

"You can clean up the mess, but don't touch my coffin." - Django


What about "92 in the shade" another cool "b" movie from 1975




I had a friend who appeared in the film. But aside from that, they should leave the boobs unfuzzed. Billy Jack was rated PG or GP as it was called then, and they had boobs or T&A as we know it.
What's the fuss?



Ernest is right. I was at Wally and saw a dvd of Billy Jack for $5 or something. I picked it up...I think it's the first/original one. Off the top of my head I can think of two scenes with nudity.


1) Billy busts in on the bad guy and he's with a girl in bed. As she leaves the bed you can see breasts and pubic hair.
2) When the bad guy has raped Jean, she's lying on her back, zero clothes.

This was out in 1971 and that means I was 8. It had to be GP.


They should restore RACE WITH THE DEVIL and "unfuzz" the nudity. All they have to do is find the original camera negative.

