Blurred Nudity

This movie is playing on TV as I am writing this and I just tuned in during the scene where the cult sacrifices a young woman, she is stripped naked and at least in the version that is airing right now her naked body is blurred out, but there's another naked woman standing right next to her shown in full glory. Why is the girl who is killed's body blurred out? Was she like underage or something?


I rented this last night, and your right, I did notice that while watching the movie.

my cat will rule the world!


On the DVD commentary the producer doesn't remember why the girl was blurred. It might have been too graphic of a TOTAL FRONTAL NUDE shot of a girl for too long a time on screen to keep the film PG.
The first poster mentioned another naked girl but I don't think it was as blatant a close-up as the sacrificed girl.


I just watched this flick and I noticed the same thing. My thinking is maybe that one girl simply didn't agree to appear nude, and they somehow worked it out to blur her boobs since she was standing right in front of the fire. Whatever, the movie was a total pile of crap anyway.





it wouldn't be illegal unless its a porn...

it should be a crime to blurr out nudity


I think you mean keep an R-rating. There would be no real nudity in a PG film.


Why not? Logan's Run was PG, made around the same time even, and had plenty of nudity.


"I think you mean keep an R-rating. There would be no real nudity in a PG film."

Well that'll be your little secret, because there are many PG movies from the 70's with nudity.


I have the Dutch 20th Century Fox release & that also has the blurring during the sacrifical scene.It looks like all known prints certainly have the censoring.


Maybe they were thinking about the television rights. Really other than that, there's really nothing else that they would have to edit from network tv. There's not much vulgar language and the nudity is already obscured, I'm sure they could have darkened the print or edited it out completely. Back then there was no home video market at all to speak of and the only way the makers/studio of the film would get extra profits was by its airings on tv. That was basically the 3 networks back then.


They probably blurred it so the rating could allow more viewers which means more money. Plus, anytime a movie can be just as good w/out nudity or gore, why put it in? Would 'The Others' have been better is Nicole Kidman was nude throughout the movie and blood and guts were splattered about? Maybe to pervs and sickies but it wouldn't have made it a better movie.


Did you see the same "The Others" that I did because if that movie kept you in suspense
and you strongly believe that some good ol fashion nudity wouldn't have helped then sir I beg to differ

It's not a question of IF
Rather it is a question of WHEN


I'm not a "perv" nor am I a "sicko"; I'm a woman who can find plenty of Kidman nudity on the net if I really tried. That being said, I wouldn't object to "The Others" or any of her other "fully clad" films if she appeared nude here and there. I might even shout "Yowza" when she did.

"With a gun in your mouth, you speak only in vowels."


The blurring was to avoid an R-rating, as mentioned in the commentary.
The original theatrical cut was PG and contains the blurs.

Limited frontal nudity is allowed in PG, as long as there is no sexual connotation. The ritual here clearly smacks of sexuality, so they weren't allowed much.


Yes, it was the full frontal nudity, because it didn't appear blurred when she was lifted for the sacrificial scene.



Not only was she underage- she was under the knife!


tabbycat has a point, anyone remember "The Bounty" with Mel Gibson and Anthony Hopkins? Plenty of nudity in that film. It was included to accurately represent that island culture. I've seen part of an episode of National Geographics' "Taboo" and there they have a similar pagan ritual like the one in this movie (no human sacrifice of course) but the participants did get nude and dance around. Intended or not, the nudity lends credibility to the rumor that real life pagans were used in making this film. Perhaps...

Peace is not the absence of affliction, but the presence of God. ~Author Unknown
