MovieChat Forums > Race with the Devil (1975) Discussion > Did MST3000 Rip This Laff Riot?

Did MST3000 Rip This Laff Riot?

Just wondering. Finally got to split a few ribs seeing this class-sick in all its ridiculous glory. That chase scene with all the absurdly demolished cars was riotious comedy at its wicked best.

All right. I said my peace.

This gem is perfect for MST3000. Imagine all the barbs. Does anyone know if an MST version is available?

The ideal party film!


"Absurdly demolished"? One of the reasons that I've always enjoyed the chase sequence is the realism at which the cars are damaged (like that "fast flip" in the Oldsmobile sedan - try convincing a stunt driver to pull off that move today).

The reason this was never on MST 3k is simple - it's not bad enough. The directing was too good, the acting was too good, the dialogue was too good, and it was successful in maintaining a sinister atmosphere.

Was it a great movie? No, not really. But I think there are too many users here who need a crash course in what makes a truly bad film.



Yes. I nearly died laughing when the car exploded in mid air because it drove off a bridge. COMPLETELY REALISTIC!!! LOL!


The difference, of course, being that cars exploding in mid-air aren't unusual in action films. I don't think I've seen an action film in my life that had 100% true-to-life vehicle damage...mainly because most actual cars would be rendered undrivable after making a "Dukes of Hazzard" style jump or even running off-road and into rough terrain at too high a speed.

Relative to other films, yes, this movie had realistic damage.


Was it a great movie? No, not really. But I think there are too many users here who need a crash course in what makes a truly bad film.

Agreed. While certainly not "Casablanca," "Race With the Devil" is closer to greatness than badness.

No blah, blah, blah!


JOEL: Hey this isn't that bad.

SERVO: Yeah. I mean, it has corny moments, but I'm enjoying it.

CROW: Shhhhh.



Settle down Poindexter.


You, my friend crisingberry-1, are a retard.
