MovieChat Forums > Race with the Devil (1975) Discussion > 'I don't believe a school bus on Sunday'

'I don't believe a school bus on Sunday'

Has to be one of the most subtle-hilariously delivered lines of all time.

The patient's screaming disturbing me, performed removal of vocal chords. ~Zombie Holocaust




"Shoot him, Frank!"


Hmmm....what if it were a bus from a Christan School, picking up kids for Sunday School?
I don't know how many were around in the 70's, but there had to have been some...


I still use that quote WHENEVER I see a school bus, Sunday or not. And I say Sunday just like Oates did:

"I don't believe a school bus on Sundee!"


hahahaha "Sundee", that's total Warren


I hear, however, that he has no choice but to believe in armored recreational vehicles that shoot rockets at tanks ;) (STRIPES for those who don't get that one).



Growing up in the 70's in Texas, I saw a few church 'school' buses on Sundays.


Very nice point. But I think by that time Fonda and Co. would think that anyone chasing them was a Devil-worshipper and they would fire on them. But as it turned out, Oates called it right.


just seen it, quality film, left me wanting more thats for sure. Oates & Fonda are great in this film with some cool, lines. The one that made me chuckle was Fonda with his "Let me warm up the martini's" or something to that affect.


