MovieChat Forums > Race with the Devil (1975) Discussion > If Sam Peckinpah had directed....

If Sam Peckinpah had directed....

I've always liked Race With The Devil - it's a gripping chase picture with a startling ending, a kind of car chase Deliverance meets The Wicker Man but I've often wondered what Sam Peckinpah would have done with the film (especially as the film stars his old pal Warren Oates). It could have been his first fully fledged horror film and you can just imagine those Satanists getting blasted in blood-spilling slo-mo.


yeah you know ole warren woulda gotten blown apart in slo-mo with the heinze 57 a flowin'


It would have been a big shoot-out at the end, and the campers including Warren Oates( who was also in the "Wild Bunch" by Peckinpah) probably would have died, but they would have taken all the Satanists with them!


If they had The Rifleman with them he wouldn't blown their a** away without batting an eye!


"he wouldn't blown"

He wouldn't or would he ?

