MovieChat Forums > Race with the Devil (1975) Discussion > The high priest in the mask....

The high priest in the mask....

Is the high priest in the mask the Sheriff (R.G. Armstrong)? I think it is but I'm not totally sure.


I thought one of the later townsfolk look liked the leader because of the facial hair, but I think it coulda been any extra.




How do you know it's the Sheriff cqwerv?




Its not the Sheriff or actor R G Armstrong for the very simple reason because the voice of the guy in the mask and R G Armstrong are clearly very different.

The King of TV Comedy : John Ritter


I thought it was the sheriff from his eyes.



i would say maybe it the guy in the mask never spoke but evenb when he speaks,, he keeps saying this word " Kelleck " or something like that you can tell the voices of him and the sheriff dont really sound alike at all.

The King of TV Comedy : John Ritter




there is only one way to tell and its by the voice. RG armstrong has a voice unique voice for one.. you can tell that its is not him for one simple reason . the two voices are totally different. second the guy in the mask looks alot younger than RG armstrong is. RG Armstrong waas about 60 years old at the time this movie was mad and the guy in the mask is no 60 year old guy for one and the voice is not RG Armstrong.. if you cant hear a difference, you need to get your hearing checked :)

The King of TV Comedy : John Ritter




no it was not RG Armstrong.. You need to get your eyes and ears checked.

The King of TV Comedy : John Ritter



Hello Again

making fun of my grammar when i am replying at all hours of the early morning
is silly :) I just watched the scene again and you should too. Look at the teeth of the high priest.. they are messed up and do not look at all like RG Armstongs teeth. Plus if you look at the high priest again,, you will notice he has very long hair and no its not attached to the mask.. Last time i checked, RG Armstrong does not have long hair.. and again the voice of RG Armstrong and the high priest are not the same.. Your argument of him changing his voice to say "Kalek" or " Dalek" does not work

The King of TV Comedy : John Ritter




My hat off to anyone who can admit it when he's wrong.


It's easy to notice it's not the Sheriff...
