One shotgun?

They got God knows how many Satanists hunting them and they buy one shotgun? I would have bought an arsenal!

"There's the way it ought to be, and there's the way it is."


One of the things that puts RWTD above the level of other "chase" pix is that they DO get a shotgun and use it, but it STILL doesn't save them. It can be tedious to watch these kinds of films and wonder why nobody thinks to get a gun(or manages to "lose" it in some idiotic way).

Since the movie "has" to end the way it does, it would have strained credibility for them to have purchased 3-4 shotguns and a bunch of pistols and still have ended up as they did.



HA! When the scene of them buying the gun came on, I turned to my wife and said, "If that was me, I would have bought everything they had. Charge it."


I was watching last night, bought the DVD at a Tower close out sale, and when Warren Oates was talking to shop owner in the background was several rifles and a couple of handguns including a .357 magnum.
I would have said to the gun shop owner, "Got guns?"
"I'll take them all, don't bother to wrap them, I'm in a bit of a hurry."
"Yes sir, satanists after you. Happens all the time 'round these parts."

FYI, in the DVD extras Peter Fonda stated that the Remington 870 pump shotgun was his own.


That is the funniest and most enjoyable post I've read so far about this movie. It's priceless!


The shotgun purchase actually brings about their death by providing the illusion that they have killed all the ants in the colony.

"Well, that's it buddy." -- Oates


Thing is, coming from Texas you would have thought they'd already be packing enough heat, especially going off into the hill billy countryside.

Must be liberals.


I thought the shotgun thing with the retro glasses was cool. In alot of zombie / horror / action games by the company Capcom, there is usually a shotgun used as a weapon. Sometimes a character from one of Capcom's various games will have a retro vibe, sunglasses, and a funky suit. When Peter Fonda wore that 70s style shirt and glasses with the shotgun I thought it was pretty cool. I actually think shotguns are boring weapons in movies outside ones that involve horror.

Yea I'd have bought a lot of things from that store to ensure my safety.



Since they don't know they are in a horror movie and would have had every reason to suspect that the cult members would *beep* OFF once they realized that they'd armed themselves then the conclusion that they would have "needed" more is hindsight. Especially when you consider whom it is with the shotgun: I still recall seeing this for the first time and laughing with glee seeing Warren Oates loading shells into a pump action shotgun. Who'd mess with that?


maybe they only had enough money for the one shotgun? They seemed to be paying cash for gas and everything. Did they have credit cards in the 70s?

if i supply the peaches can you boys supply the cream?


credit cards would be used to purchase items from the store - not everyone had one - the credit card companies actually only wanted to do business with responsible people, so not everyone could be approved for one. they did have a gas card (which they used late in the film) which could only buy gas at a filling station and not the items inside.

i just took it to mean that they didn't have enough cash to buy 2 guns.



<<Who'd mess with that?>>

Well, a pump gun is significantly cheaper than a semi-auto. And you can get Rem 870 parts damn near anywhere.

With a pump, you can cycle just as fast as you can with an auto (the common myth that a semi-auto is so much "faster" is just that, a myth). A shotgun vs. a rifle is an easy choice. Buckshot, birdshot, multiple choices of pellet sizes. No scope/aim required.

Hell, at the distances they were shooting, a shotgun can blow a person damn near in half!

Cops use shotguns as "riot" guns, and for "long" arms (vs. pistols), shotguns are practically unmatched as self-defense weapons.

And at that time, you could load six shells in an 870 (modern versions are limited to 4, although some special edition versions will hold 5).

And there is no waiting period for a shotgun, unless the database "flags" you. But in 1970s Texas, a shop owner refusing to sell a shotgun would be as unrealistic as a Satanic cult chasing a motor home across Texas!


Little did Frank know that their fun money would turn into gun money! I'm sure he would have bought more than one if he was loaded with dough. Notice Roger sharpening the knife...I'm sure that wasn't his weapon of choice.


I always thought the same thing lol. They would be screwed now if they wanted to buy the shotgun. They would probably have to camp in front of the gunshop for 5 to 15 waiting days before being able to purchase the shotgun. Or does Texas even have a waiting period on long arms???


I can see there being a waiting period for handguns, but not long guns.
