The Librarian

At the very end when the satanists set a fire around the trailer they showed some of the people involved which included the Hendersons,the sheriff and some other townspeople.However there was one woman that was shown that I thought might be the librarian.Did anyone else notice this?


That might have been her (The Librarian, Joyce King), in the hood just before the sheriff is revealed in the same black hood. However, she was the script supervisor for the film, so she might have been behind the camera, and I'm only half-joking. ;)

Btw, that fire surrounding the R/v was definately a 'six-pointed' box, which is also how many points a hexagram would have, and we all know Satanists love them hexagrams..!

Loretta Swit was quite hot in this too. She and Lara looked quite a bit younger than 39, which was hard to do in 1975, sans surgery et al. And yes, we all know Ms. Swit has had a tremendous amount of work 'done' at such a later point in her life, but she was still quite quite hot in every shot of this flick!

I wonder if Peter Fonda and her 'got it together', as they would have both been single at the time, 'on-location' and of-course, allowed 24-hour access to that love boat of a recreational vehicle..!?


Thanks danman1,I think that was her too.After all there weren,t really that many townswomen in the film with a notable speaking part except Ethel Henderson and the Librarian so it makes sense that besides Ethel she would be the other woman they show.


I believe on the commentary it mentions Peter proposed marriage to his girlfriend during filming. Not that it would necessarily have stopped him from rocking around the RV with Hot Lips. : )


Yes, it's definately the same woman. I've seen the film numerous times over the years and got a chance to see it on the big screen last week (at the Almao Drafthouse in Austin, TX), and noticed for the first time, "Hey, that's the librarian!" So, yeah, looks like the whole town was in on the devil cult conspiracy.


Hey, they didn't seem to take the time to send the books back so she must have been real mad about it.




That librarian did seem a little bit mysterious to me. I didn't trust her at all. I don't think those were really reference books. I think she just said that so they wouldn't be able to take them and learn what was going on.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.
