News about the 2011 remake!

After searching the web, I have learned that the director / producer is
Chris Moore

Additional info:

Regency Enterprises Studio
Chris Moore Director
Chris Moore Producer
Amanda White Associate Producer
New Regency Films, Inc. - Production Company

20th Century Fox Distribution - Domestic Theatrical Distributor
Filming Locations - Los Angeles, California USA
Writer Credits:
Rich Wilkes - Screenplay
Drew McWeeny (Moriarty) - Screenplay
Scott Swan - Screenplay

~ "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."


Is this still a go?

I hate pointless remakes!

I don't see it even listed here on IMDb as In Production?

Hopefully, they project got dropped.

The remake for the 1978 creepy Animal/Eco Horror Aussie film "Long Weekend" was WORD-FOR-WORD! Most pointless remake ever!
