MovieChat Forums > Race with the Devil (1975) Discussion > Anyone else notice the problem with the ...

Anyone else notice the problem with the swimming pool?

I watched this movie last night, anyone else notice that it's winter. Everyone is heavy warm clothes, yet at the camp ground they go to, they and other people are swimming in an outdoor pool?

my cat will rule the world!


Well, Victoria, the movie takes place in Texas, in the fall. So yes, while outside camping at night, it gets very chilly and heavy clothes are necessary. But during the day the temperature can be very nice, and a dip in the pool can be quite refreshing.

and I think our cats should meet....


davy my friend you are nitpicking. you must have gone to film school.

i noticed that the color of the pool was sort of a light blue, when it should be a darker blue because that means there's a lot of chlorine, and with a public pool there would be a lot of chlorine, right?

"I need HELP, not ADVICE... BEANS, not RICE!"


Not in the fall, it actually takes place in January.

Remember the bit when Alice is talking about how cold it is and says "vacations in January!"


ha getting deep with it now. i'd love to hear what the director would say


I caught that too, but then got distracted by the girl in the bikini top and jeans!


Good catch by the OPer. I forgot that the movie takes place in January. I think they mentioned it twice. I remember Roger and Frank talking about how they shouldn't go to a 4 star resort because they have all they need in the RV and that the reason for taking this vacation in January was to avoid all the tourists.

Also, during the early part of the film, you will notice Frank and Roger wearing coats right before they witness the murder.

If i am not mistaken, I believe that cult's ritual had to be performed in January during the Winter Solstice? Didn't the books the girls got from the library say so? Not sure on that though.

So yes, it doesn't really make a lot of sense to me either that a public pool would be open and everyone would be in bathing suits I know Texas is warm but c'mon.



Actually they were headed to Colorado to go skiing. They were passing through Texas to get there.


They didn't plan on going snow-skiing in Texas. They were heading up north to Nevada, I believe.


Dear Victoria-
When your cat takes over, can you ask it to get rid of Ahmadinejad?


It was a heated pool. All pools were heated in the 70's because the earth's core was hotter.


I was thinking that maybe it was heated, as well. Plus, some people do those penguin dives...


Also, that was clearly not Ginger the dog hanging from their motorhome door. It didn't even look like the same breed.



Also when they are at the RV park Fonda has the radio on and they say "tune in next week when the Cowboys play the Vikings." So it must have been early January since the Super Bowl was always held before January 20 in the 70s.

I too thought it was strange that it was January and all the kids had their bathing suits with them on vacation like it was July, but in Leesville, TX (where this RV park was set in the movie) temps can get up into the high 80s in January, so I can see there being some weather OK for swimming in January. Plus, this "5-star RV park" could have had a heated pool :).


When I was a kid my parents had a Winnebago and we took vacations to Florida over Christmas several times.

During these trips we would often stay in campgrounds like the one in this film (often KOAs, too). In some of the Southern states the pools would be open year 'round and as dumb kids from Minnesota we were more than happy to swim in a heated pool even if it was only 65F.
