Nudity erased?

****Minor Spoilers ahead****

Just watched this classic film and in the scene were they see the satanic ritual with nude girls behind the fire it seems like specific parts of the girls bodies have some kind of foggy effect so the already little nudity is almost zero... Does anyone knows if it was done originally this way or is it maybe that the version i own in dvd comes from an edited version for TV?

Thanks in advance...


No, I saw this movie on its theatrical run back in the '70s and the nudity had been "blurred" as well, maybe to get that PG rating. Seems it was OK for the MPAA to show devil worshippers sacrificing animals and people to Satan as long as no nudity was shown in the process...:)


Agree with Lucas. I too saw it in theaters and I would have been 12 or 13 at the time. I didn't think it was blurred so much as hidden behind waves created by hot fire, like how you can see heat disturbing the air above the road on a hot day. Could be wrong about that tho...I'll have to check the DVD.



Sorry but that scene (Loretta Swit semi-naked being sacrificed) was never in the movie. Perhaps you're just confusing it with the scene where the girl WAS nude (if blurred) and sacrificed.


It must have been a fantasy of yours at the time you first saw it


The sacrificial victim is bluirred, but the ones dancing aroud her in the background are not, and you can clearly see their breasts. And their nipples.


Emily? Who's Emily?


I have it on vhs off tcm and and rated MA and you can see the naked girl there plain as day !
