Why was this rated PG?

What surprises me is that this movie was actually rated PG instead of R, I know that by today's standards it would easily get a PG13 rating but this movie sure had alot of suspense and even brief nudity for it being a PG movie.


There was no PG-13 rating until 1984.

There is no "brief nudity" -- the shots of nakedness during the sacrifice ritual are optically blurred.

With no "F" words, sex, drug use, or strong violence (e.g., shots to the head), it's safely out of the R category.


I get what the OP is saying, though. I'm surprised this wasn't R just for strong adult content. And I think there was some very brief nudity during the sacrifice scene - very brief - not the girl while getting stabbed but some while they were dancing around. The rating is borderline for sure.
